((summary taken from AsianMediaWiki))
Han-kyung a rustic girl, comes to town to live with her mom. Attracted to her pure charm, the most popular guys Hae-won and Tae-sung come up to fight each other. But Tae- sung has a fatal secret not to love her. Their sad love triangle makes everyone cry.
This movie is also known by the title, Romance of Their Own.
My Rating:
That's it. A law needs to be passed that says writing a synopsis for a movie without some kind of college degree should be illegal (though to be fair, I can't remember if the synopsis above is the original one I read.) I mean, I loved this movie, but the synopsis made it seem like it was going to be a pretty standard romantic comedy: one girl, torn between two cute guys.
All lies.
The guy I was rooting for had an unfair disadvantage right from the start. I'm convinced though, that if it had remained a fair fight, she would have gotten with the right guy, and I could have called this movie fantastic! But, since my hopes and dreams were so cruelly crushed, now I can only bring myself to call it excellent. No fair! I want a rewrite with the same cast, and this time, leave out the drama and give it a happy ending!
**takes a long deep breath**
Okay, I feel better. Now I can continue on with my unbiased, awesome, totally spectacular review: the acti

The plot was interesting (although it's been done a little too much, imho) but in this situation, I thought it worked really well: it added an extra depth to the story and much more rounded characters. Plus, they did a beautiful job setting it up. I also liked how every scene in this movie was important: nothing was thrown in on a whim, and everything made sense. It's definitely a nice change from He Was Cool...
Oh! I do wish they would have explained a little more about Han-kyung's past though. Like, how she's related to her sister and little brother: step-siblings, half, or blood-relativ

My only real complaint (if you can even call it that) was that the mood and tone changed so quickly. But even that I can't really complain about since the transition worked so well... but I, emotionally, wasn't really for it.
I'm a wimp and I need time to cope. If I go into a movie knowing that it's going to be all melodrama, I can deal with it. But if I start watching it, thinking everyone's going to be riding rainbows and smiling happily--only to see the rainbow crash and all the people start screaming as they slowly burn to death--well, you get the point. A little heads up would'a been nice. But really, that's my own fault.

Just be aware of that fact if you choose to watch this: it really isn't a sweet, funny, romantic comedy. This is a drama, and sad things happen. But it's a great drama, so don't let that scare you away from watching it. ^_^
Anyway, truthfully, I loved it.
And I've said all that I wanted to say, so now you'll have to watch it and decide for yourself.
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