To be honest, I think I know what they were getting at towards the end. But that explanation makes no sense whatsoever! It's impossible for several very important reasons:
ONE: If the "deformed" daughter in the end IS in fact the "adopted" daughter she picked up at the church, then why was her face all scarred and deformed? Are we supposed to believe that the psychotic mother gave her flesh-and-blood daughter the "adopted" girl's face...? And if so, why? And how? She simply carved it off and placed it neatly over her scarred tissue and lovingly sewed it on? She had a closet FULL of those things, so if they were so easy to make, why not just do the same thing for the adopted daughter? Why break her promise to her?

Bah, too many questions, and none of these are adequately addressed in the movie.
TWO: Why even show the part at the beginning where one of the daughters is supposedly hanging herself? It looks like she succeeded, but if that's the case, then why does the mother keep her body? Where does she keep it? And if it's dead, why can it move around, interact, and talk to everyone, as if it were still alive?
Is it just some really talented ghost...?
And if the mother was keeping the fake daughter near the real one, then why didn't the real one know? Was her memory systematically wiped out? Was she brainwashed, and forced to remember everything except the accident, the operation, and the "other" sister, etc?
Bit of a stretch, there...
I think the only reason they did this was for the "Wow! What a twist!" factor. If they had just stuck with an ending that made sense, it would've worked a lot better: the main girl was the adopted daughter--the ghost was the real one. There, easy. And the motivation's there. At least then it would have made sense, and not ruined the whole movie.
There are even more problems with this outcome, but I'm not even going to bother.
Come on... even in horror movies, things need to make some sort of sense. At least in the ring, we can understand Samara's anger, and realize the repercussions of viewing the tape.
Here, none of the important scenes are made clear.
I am so disappointed and angry right now... I had such high hopes for this movie.
Stupid cover. It made it look so good too. :(
My Rating:
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