Of course, the real draw for me was the love story between Mi-ja and Director Ji. It was cute watching them bond over their hatred for their mutual enemy. And her interpretations of his actions was very funny... the fact that she was actually right, made it even funnier! Even if their romance wasn't the sole focus of the movie... it was really sweet. I really wanted him to turn you to be a nice guy, and for her to finally prove her statistics wrong.
On another completely unrelated note, I had no idea that this was based off a Korean sitcom. Now I really really want to see the television show. Please! Someone sub it!! ^_^
The three old woman were hilarious. One of my favorite scenes was when they were shopping for colored underwear, and then after buying it, they started strutting down the street. LOL. Such a funny scene! And the older guy, who lost his money to the bank, and kept returning, intending to rob it... who would have thought something like that could be so funny?! I laughed every time he was on the screen.
Luckily though, it managed to deal with the problems swiftly, and return to the comedy that most of the movie is known for. In the end, it was like none of the bad stuff even happened, and we're just left, smiling and happy, knowing that most of the characters will be happy.
Another thing that bugged me, was the fact that I had trouble figuring out how Mi-ja and her family were all related. They mentioned it in the beginning of the movie, but I had trouble
I guess people familiar with the sitcom, would already know, so they didn't feel the need to dwell on it. ^_^
Also, I just have to say: every time I watch a movie now, it's like I recognize someone from the K-drama, Bad Family. I had no idea they had such popular actors in that show!!
Anyway, to recap: very cute movie!
My Rating:

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